Frequently asked questions. Can’t find what your after, send us your question and we will get back to you.

What does an SEO person do?

They possess a deep understanding of search engine algorithms, keyword research, on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and other SEO techniques. Their main goal is to increase organic traffic to a website and improve its online presence, helping businesses improve their search engine rankings and attract more potential customers.

How do I know if I need SEO help?
There are many indicators that can help you determine if you need SEO help. Here are some common signs:
  • If your website is not receiving significant organic (non-paid) search traffic.
  • If your website is not appearing on the first page of search engine results.
  • Slow page loading times can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings.
  • If your website takes too long to load, it may be a sign that you need technical optimizations.
  • Your website lacks fresh and engaging content, it may not be appealing to both users and search engines.
How do you differ from bigger agencies?

We don’t just take on all business’s, we know out limits and we only take on as many customers as we can handle, and still give a high level of service and care. We are also very transparent on our approach and what we are working on. We see you as partners rather than just another customer.

I don’t have a big budget, will it make a difference?

We have tried to make our pricing as flexible as possible, you can choose a monthly package and utilise our hours per month on many SEO aspects, or focus our attention just one thing for the month. If you still feel we are out of your reach please contact us for a chat, we understand not all business are made equal too, and sometimes just need a little help to get things rolling.

Do you only do SEO?

We have broad knowledge of technology and have been known to assist in many areas outside of SEO. With over 30 years IT experience we can help you with many other aspects of your business technology and process. From hosting and web design to cloud services and server/pc support.

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Can I do my own SEO?

Yes, you can! It takes time and dedication but you can, there are numerous resources online both free and paid that can teach you the basics and get you started.

What stops people from doing SEO for themselves is generally time. It’s a long game – it involves a lot of research and keeping up with industry trends and algorithms working in the backend that are constantly changing and being updated without notice.

It’s similar to your car’s engine, I can read up and watch many YouTube videos to keep the engine efficient, but should I? Maybe an oil check or replace the wiper fluid, but when I hear that clunk sound I head straight to my trusted mechanic and let him do what he’s good at, fixing engines!

But this shouldn’t deter you from educating yourself and learning more. We actually expect in a partnership you will start to learn more than you give yourself credit for, you will be familiar with the lengths you need to go to get good quality backlinks, and you will know the difference between on-page and off-page SEO before you know it.

So it’s up to you and you decide how you choose to spend your time.


FAQ Page - Can I do SEO myself?